- To protect environment and ecology balance through research, camp,
- To publish, issue and circulate books, booklets, papers, periodicals gazettes, circulars and other library undertakings in physical form or in electric form with respect to the promotion of rural development and self-employment among the rural youth and to collect and maintain all related data, information statistic, records etc., relating to Rural Development and Rural Youth Self Employment.
- To provide facilities for overall development of children and childhood protection. complete immunization, awareness generation among parents on malnutrition, health and education.
- To increase the self-reliance and autonomy of women by enhancing their productivity and enabling them to take up income generation activities.
- Promoting sustainable rainwater harvesting practice to help solve potable, non- potable, storm water and energy challenges throughout the world by way of this NGO.
- To provide House, shelters and old age home facility to society at large and needy people
- To work with special concentration for the Child & Women Welfare.
- To provide shawls, foods and shelter for needy people.
- To collet raw material of daily lifestyles and generate and recycle its use daily life for needy and poor people.
- To work closely with local government bodies, state bodies and central government bodies on all civic issues which all human beingsare facing
- To work on giving inputs and feedback on each government schemes/planning

- To start Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary including graduation, Post graduation, research center, embodying a literary, scientific, engineering, technical, commercial and industrial training.
- To establish, educational institutions in various fields, branches and areas of learning such as business and research, leadership, innovation, international business studies, banking and finance, health sciences and any and all fields related to broader aspects of education, knowledge and learning.
- To provide training of computer, computer engineering, tourisms education, dress making, handicraft and other sectors to youth and unemployed women to make them self-reliant and to help in gathering knowledge and I for that purpose to procure various national and international magazines and journals.
- To help the poor and needy students to pursue their further studies. To promote educational facilities by giving scholarship of various scales to meritorious and brilliant student. To help the needy persons and the Society at large.
- To arrange/ organize technical training for under privileged youth and women.
- To start, run and establish night school, women education centers for combating illiteracy
- To assist poor and abandoned children by providing free education and arrange for satisfying their basic needs.
- To assist the people by way of financial help as well as legal aid for society.
- To establish sport center and start to institute of sports club in the name of NGO
- To establish hospital, nursing centers, surgical homes, dispensaries, medical centers for providing medical treatment to the needy and poor patient, in all the faculties’ viz allopathic, homeopathy and Ayurvedic.
- To run hospitals and health clinics and to provide basic health services to poor, needy and old age patients as well as in rural areas.
- To start and run Blood banks and Eye Banks and to provide Ambulance facilities.
- To establish eye hospital and to render services free of cost or at lowest cost to people poor and needy people.
- To create awareness about HIV/AIDS among the general public and work towards prevention of AIDS.
- To bring awareness and arrange social welfare programmes, eradication of various Addictions (Vyasan) and to start the rehabilitation health centers for Alcoholic Drug addicts and other addicted people in the Society.
- To organize medical camps for vaccination of mother and child.
- To establish and start rehabilitation centers for old and physically handicapped people as well as child centers
- To grant medical help to the poor and needy people during epidemic, flood, earthquake or any unforeseen calamities whenever the trust may deem to dispose such aid to any time or in any circumstances.
- To arrange examinations and treatments for eye, diabetic and high blood pressure patients and to assist infertile (barren) couples, by providing medical guidance from experts
- To establish any para-medical or medical services.
- To take over hospitals or dispensaries and medical treatment centers upon such terms and conditions as may be decided at the relevant time
- To start all camp relating medical in the rural and urban ares

- Conducting special schools and child care centers to develop the potentials of the migrant children and to be mainstreamed
- Providing health care facilities to promote health among migrant family
- Working with parents of migrant children and to proceed to the challenging issues

- To publish books, papers, articles, etc., on educational, medical,environment, agricultural and other subjects of broader interest periodically
- To amalgamate, merge or collaborate with and to takeover any Society who is working on similar objects or to enter into partnership or joint venture with any organization for propagating and expanding the scope of the society,
- To provide rural and civil development work, activity, project for sustainable living
- To do all such other things as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of any of the abovementioned objects. The benefits provided by the trust are available to public at large without distinction of caste, creed or religion
All objects are Social and Dharmaday Nature.