- Transparency– we are transparent about our values and policies, our failures and mistakes and openly share our ideas and knowledge with all internal and external stakeholders.
- Accountability– we deliver what we have promised. We take responsibility for our own actions and outcomes. We are responsible for ourselves, the organisation and all internal and external stakeholders.
- Inclusiveness– we will work with others to help the world’s needy, regardless of race, gender, age, creed or nationality, color, political affiliation, gender or belief.
- Professionalism, teamwork, and excellence- who values effective teamwork and collaboration when delivering professional services. We strive to attain the highest standards in all that we do, and we are committed to participatory decision making.
- Community at the Core-Ensuring that community remains at the core of programming, delivery and performance assessment by valuing people’s rights to participation.
- Accountability and Transparency-SF is committed to adhering to organizational values, being fair, impartial and objective in decision making and demonstrating transparency and accountability in organizational behaviour to diverse stakeholders.
- Solidarity– Not everyone is born the same, not everyone is born fortunate. We don’t just express solidarity but also act on it. We want to reduce the suffering in the world and are pro-actively working towards our goal every day.The world needs love and care. We do our part in it.
For the generous and noble-minded, earth is indeed one family. -MahaUpaniṣad: 6- 71
Various schools of philosophy originated in India since antiquities have always advocated conservation of nature in its original form. Extreme human intervention in nature during the modern age and use of nature as mere means to achieve short term comfort has resulted in a long term nightmare.
Invoking the spirit of this philosophical traditions that have nurtured us as a civilization, we at “AngholichiGoli- Bath Pill” have decided to go beyond the utilitarian and calculative perspective to look into the problem. We emphasize the centrality of emotions to appeal everyone who dwells on this mother earth.
This mother is common to all of the living organisms here. That includes all flora and fauna. In the era of disruptive technologies and artificial intelligence, women in our villages still walk miles to fetch water to suffice a day at the most. We want to make you all aware of their sorrow.

We aren’t offering you all a grand solution or rolling out schemes worth billions nor do we have any magical stick to turnout the situation in a go, but want to empathize and then renaissance.
If we feel, then we will. And where there is a will, there is a way. “AngholichiGoli- Bath Pill” is the way of the common will of humanity. We ask all of you to skip a bath (pop up a Bath Pill, instead of actually taking a bath) once in a while to put you in their shoes. This experience inculcates within you –
The urgency of SACRIFICE for your fellow beings, which brings about FRATERNITY amongst all of us leading to the feeling of LOVE for all that finally make us start SAVING water and take us a step closer to conservation of the mother earth.
This approach finds an inspiration in the wisdom of this land personified in exemplars like our beloved Gandhiji and Swami Vivekananda. Gandhiji gave up his comfortable lifestyle to stand in solidarity with his brethren. We ask you to pop up a Bath Pill. Swamiji gave the world the message of Advaita – of this entire existence being a unity, and all of us being one. We ask you to follow him by working towards conserving what we have and helping all.
We want to connect the world on the path of the wisdom of Gandhiji and Swami Vivekananda.
We want the United Nations to declare 1st January as “AngholichiGoli- Bath Pill” Day, when everyone pops up a Goli/ Pill and stands united in the world.

Managing Committee
Education : BE LLB MA MBA
Education : BSC, MA, MRes
Education : B A (political science)
Education : B.A. Mass Communication and Journalism, PG, MA Political Science
Education : PhD Scholar, MJMC, BE E&Tc
Education : MJMC
Education : B.Com